21. If there was no CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere the temperature of earth’s surface would be
(1) the same
(2) higher than the present form environmental issues
(3) dependent on the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere from environmental issues
(4) less than the present
22. Species occurring in different geographical areas are called as
(1) allopatric
(2) sibling
(3) neopatric
(4) sympatric
23. In the five-kingdom system of classification, which single kingdom out of the following can include blue green algae, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and methanogenic archaebacteria?
(1) Protista
(2) Fungi
(3) Monera
(4) Plantae
24. The high boiling point of water is advantageous to living organisms because
(1) it allows organisms to spread heat evenly throughout their bodies
(2) the environment seldom reaches the boiling point of water
(3) organisms can absorb a great deal of heat before they reach the boiling point from organisms and population
(4) organisms can easily boil off enough water to keep themselves cool
25. “Taxonomy without phylogeny is similar to bones without flesh” is the statement of
(1) Takhtajan
(2) Oswald Tippo
(3) Bentham and Hooker
(4) John Hutchinson
26. Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) is usually referred to damages caused by
(1) Encephalitis
(2) Low temperature
(3) Radiation
(4) High temperature
27. The most important feature of all living systems is to
(1) produce gametes
(2) utilize oxygen to generate energy
(3) utilize solar energy for metabolic activities
(4) replicate the genetic information
28. The book Genera Plantarum was written by
(1) Engler and Prantl
(2) Bessy
(3) Bentham & Hooker
(4) Hutchinson
29. A system of classification in which a large number of traits are considered, is
(1) natural system
(2) artificial system
(3) phylogenetic system
(4) synthetic system
30. The practical purpose of classification of living organisms is to
(1) name the living organisms
(2) explain the origin of living organisms
(3) facilitate identification of unknown organisms
(4) trace the evolution of living organisms
31. What is true for individuals of same species?
(1) Interbreeding
(2) Live in same niche
(3) Live in different habitat
(4) Live in same habitat
32. In five kingdom system, the main basis of classification is
(1) structure of cell wall
(2) structure of nucleus
(3) asexual reproduction
(4) mode of nutrition
33. First life on earth was
(1) Autotrophs
(2) Cyanobacteria
(3) Photoautotrophs
(4) Chemoheterotrophs
34. What is true for photolithotrops?
(1) Obtain energy from organic compounds
(2) Obtain energy from radiations and hydrogen from organic compounds
(3) Obtain energy from inorganic compounds
(4) Obtain energy from radiations and hydrogen from inorganic compounds
35. Which of the following is less general in characters as compared to genus?
(1) Class
(2) Species
(3) Family
(4) Division
36. Plants reproducing by spores such as mosses and ferns are grouped under the general term
(1) Bryophytes
(2) Thallophytes
(3) Sporophytes
(4) Cryptogams
37. Species are considered as
(1) the lowest units of classification
(2) real units of classification devised by taxonomists
(3) artificial concept of human mind which cannot be defined in absolute terms
(4) real basic units of classification
38. Biosystematics aims at
(1) delimiting various taxa of organisms and establishing their relationships
(2) identification and arrangement of organisms on the basis of their cytological characteristics
(3) the classification of organisms based on their evolutionary history and establishing their phylogeny on the totality of various parameters from all fields of studies
(4) the classification of organisms based on broad morphological characters
39. Phenetic classification is based on
(1) observable characteristics of existing organisms
(2) sexual characteristics
(3) dendograms based on DNA characteristics
(4) the ancestral lineage of existing organisms
40. Organisms which obtain energy by the oxidation of reduced inorganic compounds are called
(1) saprozoic
(2) photoautotrophs
(3) coproheterotrophs
(4) chemoautotrophs