NEET Biology Previous year MCQ Bank With Answer Key - 13

241. Multicellular branched rhizoids and leafy gametophytes are characteristic of

(1) all pteridophytes

(2) all bryophytes

(3) some peteriodphytes

(4) some bryophytes


242. An alga very rich in protein is

(1) Oscillatoria

(2) Spirogyra

(3) Chlorella

(4) Ulothrix


243. Blue-green algae belong to

(1) Rhodophyceae

(2) Eukaryotes

(3) Chlorophyceae

(4) Prokaryotes


244. Which one of the following is a living fossil?

(1) Ginkgo

(2) Pinus

(3) Thuja

(4) Opuntia


245. Seed-habit first originated in

(1) certain monocots

(2) certain ferns

(3) primitive dicots

(4) certain pines


246. Ulothrix can be described as a

(1) membranous alga producing zoospores

(2) non-motile colonial alga lacking zoospores

(3) filamentous alga with flagellated reproductive stages

(4) filamentous alga lacking flagellated reproductive stages


247. Which one of the following statements about Cycas is incorrect?

(1) Its xylem is mainly composed of xylem vessels

(2) It does not have a well-organized female flower

(3) Its roots contain some blue-green algae.

(4) It has circinate vernation


248. Brown algae is characterised by the presence of

(1) fucoxanthin

(2) phycocyanin

(3) haematochrome

(4) phycoerythrin


249. Bryophytes can be separated from algae because they

(1) possess archegonia with outer layer of sterile cells

(2) are thalloid forms

(3) contain chloroplasts in their cells

(4) have no conducting tissue


250. Ulothrix filaments produce

(1) heterogametes

(2) isogametes

(3) basidiospores

(4) anisogametes


251. Bryophytes comprise

(1) dominant phase of gametophyte which produces spores

(2) sporophyte of longer duration

(3) small sporophyte phase and generally parasitic on gametophyte.

(4) dominant phase of sporophyte which is parasitic


252. The antherozoids of Funaria are

(1) multiciliated

(2) aciliated

(3) monociliated

(4) flagellated


253. Largest sperms in the plant world are found in

(1) Cycas

(2) Pinus

(3) Thuja

(4) Banyan


254. The “walking” fern is so named because

(1) it knows how to walk by itself

(2) it is dispersed through the agency of walking animals

(3) its spores are able to walk

(4) it propagates vegetatively by its leaf tips


255. Bryophytes are dependent on water because

(1) the sperms can easily reach upto egg in the archegonium

(2) water is essential for fertilization for their homosporous nature

(3) archegonium has to remain filled with water for fertilization

(4) water is essential for their vegetative propagation


256. The largest ovules, largest male and female gametes and largest plants are found among

(1) Gymnosperms

(2) Angiosperms

(3) Dicotyledonous plants

(4) Tree ferns and some monocots


257. Dichotomous branching is found in

(1) Liverworts

(2) Fern

(3) Marchantia

(4) Funaria


258. Columella is a specialised structure found in the sporangium of

(1) Spirogyra

(2) Ulothrix

(3) None of these

(4) Rhizopus


259. Which of the following is true about bryophytes?

(1) They are thalloid

(2) They possess archegonia

(3) All of these

(4) They contain chloroplast


260. In which of the following would you place the plants having vascular tissue lacking seeds?

(1) Pteridophytes

(2) Algae

(3) Gymnosperms

(4) Bryophytes

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