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Monday, May 10, 2021

PG TRB BOTANY Study Materials – 13

1. Who discovered nucleus?

A. Albert

B. Newton

C. Robert Brown 

D. Robert Hooke


2. Mycology is the study of

A. Virus

B. Hydrilla

C. Rhizobium

D. Fungi 


3. The Indian Botanical Garden is located at

A. Delhi

B. Allahabad

C. Kolkata correct

D. Lucknow


4. Water in plants is transported by

A. xylem 

B. epidermis

C. phloem

D. cambium


5. Which part of the plant Raphanus sativus is edible?

A. Fruit

B. Leaves

C. Roots

D. All 


6. Where did plants originate?

A. Ocean

B. Land

C. Soil

D. Water


7. The top chambers of human heart are called

A. Aorta

B. Atrium 

C. Septum

D. Ventricle


8. The disease ’dieback of shoots’ is caused due to the deficiency of the microelement:

A. Silver

B. Magnesium

C. Potassium

D. Copper 


9. What is Fern prothallus

A. Gametophyte

B. Vegetative body

C. Sporophyte

D. None of these


10. The conservation hawks and owls is important to mankind chiefly because these birds eat

A. Numerous weed seeds

B. Harmful birds

C. Many harmful rodents 

D. Harmful reptiles


11. Potato, ginger and turmeric are not roots but portions of the stem. This is due to the fact that

A. They have storage food materials

B. They possess nodes, internodes and scaly and foliage leaves

C. They have suberin, cutin and lignin

D. They have xylem and phloem


12. What is the type of Tomato fruit?

A. berry 

B. Pome

C. drupe

D. none of the above


13. Which one of the following crops can enrich soil with nitrogenous compounds?

A. Mustard

B. Rice

C. Sugarcane

D. Black gram 


14. The total weight of all the organisms in a particular habitat is

A. Biofuel

B. Biology

C. Biosphere

D. Biomass


15. Pine, fir, spruce, cedar, larch and cypress are the famous timber-yielding plants of which several also occur widely in the hilly regions of India. All these belong to

A. angiosperms

B. gymnosperms

C. monocotyledons

D. dicotyledons


16. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from

A. chlorophyll

B. atmosphere

C. light

D. soil 


17. Which acid is produced when milk gets sour?

A. Butyric acid

B. Tartaric acid

C. Lactic acid

D. Acetic acid


18. What is the Ph value of human blood?

A. 7.40 

B. 7

C. 0

D. 8


19. What holds the sides of the DNA ladder together?

A. Polar covalent bonds

B. Ionic bonds

C. Metallic bonds

D. Covalent bonds 


20. From which part, Coconut coir is obtained?

A. Epicarp

B. Mesocarp 

C. Endocarp

D. Seed


21. Fixation of nitrogen in the soil

A. virus

B. fungi

C. bacteria 

D. protozoa


22. Which one of the following is the longest flower in the world?

A. Sunflower

B. Lotus

C. Glory lily

D. Rafflesia 


23. Healing of wounds is hastened by vitamin?

A. vitamin C

B. vitamin A

C. vitamin D

D. vitamin B


24. A substance which releases hydrogen ions in water and has a pH less than 7, e.g. hydrochloric acid in the human stomach is

A. Cholesterol

B. Gall stone

C. Acid 

D. None of All


25. Vivipary is characteristic of

A. xerophytes

B. hydrophytes

C. halophytes 

D. mesophytes

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